Spirit Check

How’s your spirit? I hope it’s hanging in. Spirit has been top of mind for me lately. Spirit is defined as the non-physical part of a person, which is the seat of emotions and character or soul. Just like you I’ve had days where I’ve felt so grateful for all that fills up my days and I’ve also had days where I’d like to bag the whole lot and start fresh- quite the emotional rollercoaster.

I’ve thought about New York City more than ever this past year. I lived in NYC for a year in my early 20’s doing nothing in particular, except building character. I worked odd jobs while attending a City College, had way too many roommates, and survived on street food. I enjoyed every.single.minute. While holding the news and stories of the people in NY in my hands daily this year (I love my NYTimes delivery), I felt myself remembering my 20’s w/ new clarity; really feeling my experience. 20 some years later I find myself looking back and giving myself nods of approval. I gravitated to what fed my spirit and made me feel ALIVE. I made decisions based on what I would discover, learn, what was fun, what felt authentic, and had the most flavor.

My spirit was raised to new heights that year and my standards for community were forever altered. The community of NYC is big and bold, very different than the rural community of Montana where I was raised. I found it to be supportive, full of love, stable, it damn-well knows who it is, it lifts you up, it teaches you something new daily. I used to think this elevated feeling could only exist there. As an Anthropology major I really dug into studying what made it special; I wanted to take that full flavor feeling w/ me. Was it the incredible diversity, was it simply the density, maybe the public transportation?

Or, was it just me feeling in love w/ people when I’m there? Absolutely, loving everything about people. This year I’ve answered some of my own lingering questions. This year it finally sank in that it is not so much the place, but rather, it’s collective spirit.

How we’ve missed each other this year. So much! We’ve had to take care of ourselves and friends and family extra. It’s reminded me so much of how I tended to myself and the people around me that year in New York. Genuine chit chats all day around the city. Currently, it’s been genuine chit chatting all over zoom. But just the same I feel that love, support, discovery, it’s been an uplifting experience because we’ve needed each other more than usual. That lovely exchange of stories about the everything and nothing of our daily lives all the while getting in our Pilates. It turns out that NYC spirit transfers when you are just loving on people.

back in the day

back in the day